New publications
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Economics, Pluralism and Democracy
Ha-Joon Chang, Teemu Lari
Journal article
Freedom, State, and Market
Angus Hebenton, Martin O'Neill
Journal article
Democratic Theory and Economic Planning: A Critique of Participatory Economics
Jan Philipp Dapprich
Journal article
Centralization Tendencies in Participatory Planning
Hannes Kuch
Journal article
The Perils of Climate Alarmism
Thea Riofrancos
Journal article
Ludic War Machines
Max Grünberg
Measuring the Doughnut: A good life for all is possible within planetary boundaries
Hauke Schlesier, Malte Schäfer, Harald Desing
Journal article
Another Scalability is Possible! From Non-Scalability to Cosmolocal Scalability
Vasilis Kostakis, Lucas Lemos, Asimina Kouvara
Journal article
Planning’s ecologies: Democratic planning in the age of planetary crises
Yousaf Nishat-Botero
Journal article
Rethinking economic planning
Christoph Sorg, Jan Groos
Journal article
Classics of the early Socialist Calculation Debate
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The use of knowledge in society
Friedrich A. von Hayek
Journal article
On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part One
Oskar Lange
Journal article
On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part Two
Oskar Lange
Journal article
Economic Theory and Socialist Economy
A. P. Lerner
Journal article
Sozialistische Rechnungslegung
Karl Polanyi
Journal article
The Guidance of Production in a Socialist State
Fred M. Taylor
Journal article
The South Atlantic Quarterly: The Return of Economic Planning
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Campbell Jones
Journal article
Counterplanning in the Crisis of Social Reproduction
Silvia Federici, Campbell Jones
Journal article
Planning and Anarchy
Jasper Bernes
Journal article
Calculation and Conflict
Jessica Whyte
Journal article
Planning for Conflict
Matteo Mandarini, Alberto Toscano
Journal article
The Reverse of Engineering
Brett Neilson
Journal article
Three Agricultural Revolutions
John Clegg, Rob Lucas
Journal article
The Commune Is the Plan
George Ciccariello-Maher
Journal article
Music and Economic Planning
Journal article
Democratic economic planning: five predecessors
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Degrowth & Planning
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Planning beyond growth: The case for economic democracy within ecological limits
Cédric Durand, Elena Hofferberth, Matthias Schmelzer
Journal article
Planned Degrowth
John Bellamy Foster
Journal article
Democratic economic planning: five (more or less) canonical models
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Systemic Socialism: A Model of the Models
David Laibman
Journal article
Introductory Works
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Competition & Change Special Issue 'Rethinking Economic Planning'
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Rethinking economic planning
Christoph Sorg, Jan Groos
Journal article
Planning progress: Incorporating innovation and structural change into models of economic planning
Nils Rochowicz
Journal article
Cyber-physical decentralized planning for communizing
Pedro HJ Nardelli, Pedro E Gória Silva, Harun Siljak, Arun Narayanan
Journal article
Finance as a form of economic planning
Christoph Sorg
Journal article
Ecological Planning
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Democratic Economic Planning, Social Metabolism and the Environment
Planning for Entropy
Journal article
Comment bifurquer - Les principes de la planification écologique
Cédric Durand, Razmig Keucheyan
Planning and Reproduction
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The Organisation of Social Reproduction in a Postcapitalist Participatory Economy
Savvina Chowdhury
Counterplanning in the Crisis of Social Reproduction
Silvia Federici, Campbell Jones
Journal article
Postkapitalistische Reproduktion
Christoph Sorg
Journal article
Contemporary German Works
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Zukunft mit Plan
Magazin LuXemburg
The Soviet planning experiment: five essential readings
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The Soft Budget Constraint
János Kornai
Journal article
Science & Society Special Issues 'Envisioning Socialism' I-IV
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Prokla Nr. 215 | Demokratische Planwirtschaft in Zeiten von Digitalisierung und Klimakrise
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Planned Freedom
Heiner Koch
Journal article
Planing and Transformation
Samuel Decker
Journal article
Ökonomie der Knappheit
Max Grünberg
Journal article
Das notwendige Ende der (Lohn-)Arbeit
Simon Sutterlütti
Journal article
Postkapitalistische Reproduktion
Christoph Sorg
Journal article
CRITS Virtual Seminars Series on Democratic Economic Planning 2023-2024
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In the Mirror Darkly
Adam Balsam
Video recording
Presentation on the Gaps between the Participatory Economy model and the real-world economy
Anders Sandström, Ferdia O'Driscoll
Video recording
Postmonetary Grassroots Planning: Sustainable, Democratic and Economic
Anitra Nelson
Video recording
The Case for Commonism - An Argument for the Higher Stage
Stefan Meretz, Simon Sutterlütti
Video recording
Development as Economic Self-Government
Martín Arboleda
Video recording
Exploring the Prospects of the System of Provision Approach for Transition Planning
Clara Dallaire-Fortier
Video recording
Planning beyond growth
Elena Hofferberth
Video recording